Today while waiting in the check-out line at my local co-op I saw a magazine that was new to me called Urban Farm…Sustainable City Living which looked great so I bought a copy. After taking some time to look it over I have to say that it is really inspiring. Their premier issue just came out last August, so it really is brand new and it seems as if they are off to a great start. I am so excited about how many of us there really are out there, and the more that we connect and realize that there are so many great things happening out there the more energy that will come out of all of us to create a sustainable future. It is easy to focus on the negative, that is what is in the media daily, but in fact there are so many wonderful, inspirational stories every day…so stay positive and pay attention to what is happening in your neighborhood, in your state and all across the country.
So here is more about this very cool magazine, click here to visit their web site, and look for their magazine in your local co-op or natural food store, book store or news stand. If you can’t find it, ask for it so that they will know people are interested in it or you can subscribe online.
“Urban Farm® magazine’s mission is to promote the benefits of self sustainability and to provide the tools with which to do it on any size property.” There was a very informative story on how to make a backyard garden. They called it Square Foot Gardening and it saves space, water, seeds and time…which makes perfect sense when you are creating and working in an urban garden in your back yard, or maybe even your front yard.
Urban Farm® reaches out to those in the city and suburbs, those who are inspired by the local food movement and who want to start raising chickens and growing food for themselves, supporting local agriculture and living more sustainably.” In the newest issue there is a great article about WIll Allen and his incredible work in Milwaukee. If you don’t know who Will Allen is then that alone is a good reason to buy the magazine. This man is amazing and the work that he has done creating Growing Power is nothing short of miraculous. Will was a pioneer in the community food movement and has shown what is possible with perseverance and passion.
“Urban Farm® is informational and inspirational, filled with how-to projects, profiles of urban farmers across America, “green” and innovative products, and of course, recipes for preparing your homegrown vegetables, eggs and other farm bounty.” I liked that there was an article about the challenges that people are having creating backyard gardens, that are really mini-farms, and raising livestock. It helps to know what one is up against and how someone else made there way through the many obstacles that came up. This is creating a community of sustainability.
Just looking through the one issue I learned so much and there was so much valuable information from composting to recipes to alternative energy sources. This is a wonderful magazine so look for it and check it out. You will find lots of material for creating more SmartLifeways in your own life.
This link is so cute i just had to include it. If you want to smile, check it out.